You will need:
And of course, compiled copy of soapuddi. You can pick it up from here.
Unzip and extract it to a temporary folder.
Copy soapuddi.war file from here to your <tomcat_home>/webapps directory.
Else you should hack a little of config file that is part of soapuddi.war and edit the URL and DRIVER for the database you are using. You will also need to copy the JDBC drivers to <tomcat_home>/lib. You will also need to create a database in your database server. SQL scripts are provided with the binary package of soapuddi.
You can make your own clients to talk to it or can use some existing clients like uddi4j, which is an open source UDDI client from IBM. You can download uddi4j from here.There is a sample available along with source showing you how to use UDDI4J with SOAPUDDI.